Ferdinand's Fund
SPAAR created Ferdinand’s Fund after co-founder Jen experienced an unexpected, tragic medical crisis with her dog Ferdinand. Nine months, thousands of dollars in emergency care, vet visits, medications, and a successful surgery brought Ferdinand a clean bill of health in 2014. If it weren't for a strong support system and financial assistance of friends and family, Ferdinand may not have received the help he needed to get better.
Now that Ferdinand has passed on, we are committed to making sure that other pet parents can use Ferdinand’s Fund to help care for their senior pets in unanticipated emergencies or times of distress. The mission of Ferdinand's Fund is to provide the resources owners of senior pets need to keep them in their homes. Medical bills, vet visits, food, and medication are only a few of the items that this fund covers. |
- If you are interested in supporting the people in your community, as well as their pets, consider supporting Ferdinand's Fund.
- If you are interested in donating food or items that will be distributed through Ferdinand's Fund choose a food from our Amazon Wish List and place "Ferdinand's Fund" and your name in the notes section of your order.
- If you need assistance with caring for your senior pet, contact us today.